Monday, 13 June 2011

Eye & lips face

Eye  lips face
Ever lost your favourite lipstick colour? This may sound odd, but you can re-create your favourite lipstick, by using eye shadow! simple, just follow these steps then you don't have to go out and buy new lipstick anymore. It takes 3 minutes!


Since an English translation by Girard Etzkorn and Allan Wolter is forthcoming from the Franciscan Institute, this review will note only a few points of interest. Book I (on Aristotle's book Alpha) treats some of the profoundest issues surrounding experience, science, action, and philosophy. Scotus has tantalizing things to say about the natural desire of the intellect, the nature of light and body, animals' knowledge (Utrum prudentia sit in brutis), and the way in which common natures and causality are given to experience in an inseparable way. We see Scotus develop a doctrine of vague and distinct knowledge and the natural primacy for us of sense-intellectual knowledge of existing individuals in their natures. No abstract, existenceless philosophizing here! Question 9 (Utrum omnes quiditates pertineant ad metaphysicam) views the object of metaphysics not only as ens but also as `quid' in communi. The object of each science is the addition of "this quiddity" to "quiddity," but the other sciences are not subalternated to the science of "quiddity": metaphysics for Scotus is thus the thought of all quiddities as "all quiddities," for each quiddity is man or angel or stone and so on, not quiddity. If one may apply here a philosophical ideal favored by a writer who did not much like Scotus's metaphysics (H. U. von Balthasar), one could say that Scotus's metaphysical knowing is on one level a "concrete universal": the thought of the "kindedness" of beings.

New lipistic carols

New lipistic 
New lipistic carols
which refers primarily to colored products intended to alter the user’s appearance. Many manufacturers distinguish between decorative cosmetics and care cosmetics. The word cosmeticsderives from the Greek   "technique of dress and ornament", from κοσμητικός (kosmētikos), "skilled in ordering or arranging"[1] and that from κόσμος (kosmos), meaning amongst others "order" and "ornament"
The manufacture of cosmetics is currently dominated by a small number of multinational corporations that originated in the early 20th century, but the distribution and sale of cosmetics is spread among a wide range of different businesses.

Sunday, 12 June 2011

New cosmetics

New cosmetics

(NaturalNews) According to new federal regulations that went into effect Thursday in Canada, cosmetic makers must now list ingredients on their container labels.Canadian cosmetic makers have been working for years with federal authorities to draw up the regulations in order to help protect people who might be sensitive or allergic to certain cosmetic ingredients such as perfumes.
"With regards to makeup, the main thing we see is one of two things, which is either irritancy issues or allergic contact dermatitis related to makeups," said University of British Columbia dermatology professor Dr. Jason Rivers
Under the newregulations, cosmetic makers will have to list theiringredientsaccording to the International Nomenclature of Cosmetics Ingredients system already in use in the United States, Europe, Japan and other countries, according to HealthCanadaspokesperson Renee Bergeron.
"It's going to be phased in over the next two years to allowcosmeticscompanies to use up current stock while designing newlabelsfor the ingredients," she said. "It's going to allow the Canadian public to make more informed choices and avoid cosmetics containing ingredients which they may be sensitive to."
Because the INCI uses uniform names to identify ingredients, consumers will not have to know several different names for one particular ingredient.
"In addition, physicians will be able to refer to an ingredient by its one name for the purpose of treatment or incident reporting," Bergeron said. "Now absolutely everything that's in the product is going to have to be written on the labe